Just a quick favour
When I started this blog, I didn’t intend for this to be a full time job. I didn’t like the idea of starving to death, and I tended to roll my eyes when I read about people who did want blog for a living. This blog is nearly 18 months old now though, and I seem to be getting a steady stream of readers every week.
If you like what I do, then you can hit the red bell in the bottom right of the screen and you’ll get a push notification every Sunday when I post (or occasionally when I have some news like this). I’ve also got a Ko-Fi page, so if you like my weekly ramblings, then buying me a coffee would be much appreciated. Just hit the button and follow the instructions. I guess there are instructions, I’ve never actually used it before.
Anyway, thanks for your time, and I’ll see you tomorrow with a new review. (this week is Deviser, but keep it between us ok?)