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Occult Experiments In The Home review
Rating –
I first heard podcast host Duncan Barford interviewed on a different show (the Some Other Sphere podcast). His syrupy, sleepy voice and in depth knowledge of the subject discussed made me seek this podcast out as soon as the interview ended.
At the time (this review has been half written for a very long time), I had listened to a lot of the generally recommended occult podcasts. Some i liked, some I didn’t. This one had somehow slipped under my radar though. Duncan didn’t seem to be overly active on any of the main social media spaces dedicated to this particular study either. I may also be misremembering though. But anyway, enough of that. On with the review!
So what’s it about?
Occult Experiments In The Home (or OEITH as I’ll call it from now on, to spare my poor fingers) explores psychology in relation to the paranormal and magickal practice. As anyone other than the greenest of horns will know, true magickal and spiritual development is rooted in psychological theory and development.
Duncan Barford is a registered psychotherapist and counsellor, as well as a very experienced ritual magician. Each episode looks into both of these aspects, plus Duncan gives real historical cases of his clients treatment and how they correlate to the episode subject. These therapeutic insights are actually equally as fascinating as his insights on magick and folklore.
Jung’s teachings are discussed, dreams are analysed and modern psychological theories are transposed into the more metaphysical areas of spiritual exploration. Years ago, these ideas really shook me. After devouring whatever I could find, the books by Israel Regardie at first seemed to be a bit of a buzz kill. After further study though, psychological approaches to mystical experience are just as “magical” as any other approach.
Is it any good?
I really like this series. There is so much to learn here if you are interested in any aspect of psychology or psychotherapy. There are many, wide ranging areas discussed in depth, but in a way that’s easy to understand.
Duncan Barford’s voice seeps out of your headphones like laudanum. That’s not to say that it is boring. Quite the contrary. I would say that this would be a good podcast to doze off to, but despite his soporific voice, Duncan really does hold your attention. There are far more “engaging” presenters who require much more concentration to listen to. I suspect that this is due to Duncan’s experience as a therapist. One thing these episodes aren’t is boring.
If you are expecting something more openly occult (yes, I know that’s an oxymoron), then this isn’t the podcast for you. There are other more “how to” type podcasts out there that I will probably get round to reviewing at some point. However, you would be foolish to miss out on this series, even if you aren’t interested in the occult. The psychology aspect of human behaviour is very interesting, and Duncan takes some very deep dives into behavioural therapy.
Final thoughts
After three series and four episodes, Duncan finished up on this podcast to release some other shows. I have subscribed to them all but I haven’t started them yet. If they are the same quality as this though, it will be an automatic recommendation from me.
My own personal thoughts on the occult and the nature of reality is not something really suited to my podcast review blog. Mainly because it would be a massive digression and probably clock in at a few thousand words that wouldn’t do anything to enlighten you as to the quality of this podcast.
If you are interested in the metaphysical, then you should listen to this immediately. If you aren’t into such things, but are interested in human behaviour and psychotherapy, then you should also listen to this immediately. Look, just subscribe and enjoy ok?
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