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Sparks review

Rating – 5 Brains

This podcast was a real surprise. I always skip the trailers, and I didn’t really bother reading the episode description either. I think this avoidance springs from being short changed by too many horror film trailers which showcase the best bits of the film (and in a few cases the trailer has actually been better than the full film).

Therefore, I like to go in with as few expectations as possible, and here this is definitely the best way to go. Now, I had originally planned a different show to review today, but this one jumped the queue (as you’ll know happens quite often), hopefully I’ll get you as frothy as me by the end of this review.

So what’s it about?

Sparks is a monologue, seemingly an audio recording to a therapist by an unnamed man. And that’s pretty much it. The story, at first rather mundane, soon becomes very strange indeed.

Now, I really don’t want to explain the plot at all. I went into this blind, and I think you should too. I appreciate that because of this, this section of the review is shorter than usual, but please just trust me. All I will say (at the risk of being a cop out), is that this is a recounting of his experiences in recent times, plus a backstory about his family. That’s all you’re getting from me, because anything I say will be a spoiler, so you’ll have to take my word for it.

Is it any good?

As you may remember from my review of Modes Of Thought In Anterran Literature, and Forbidden Cassettes, I’m a massive fan of podcasts that seem real. This one is really real. Possibly more so than any other show I’ve listened to.

This show is minimalist almost to an extreme. There is no no theme music, no sound design, no credits, no bells and whistles at all. Whilst series one has some background music, series two even gets rid of that. There is nothing but this man’s story. Such a stripped back aesthetic adds so much to the reality of the show.

I can imagine some people not enjoying this style, because it is a slow burn, and it’s not action packed. This is fine, but if you are looking for something that will stick in your brain, then look no further.

The narrator is exceptional. In stories like this, there is a need to over-emote in an attempt to keep the listener engaged. Modes Of Thought was the first podcast that seemingly eschewed this idea, and was all the better for it. There is a real feeling here that this is a true story. The voice acting is so authentic that after a while the story is totally plausible.

Think of the paranormal reality shows where a single interviewee is recounting odd events in a darkened room with a single light on them. That’s what this is like. The deadpan, almost understated delivery is all that’s needed here. You’re on for the ride, wherever it may take you.

On top of this, there seems to be no online presence at all, or rather, none that I can find. I did do a bit of digging though, and discovered a short film that shares its name with this podcast, made by someone with the same name. I can’t find a copy online though (yet), so I’m not sure if it acts as a prequel of sorts.

Final thoughts

I can’t think of another podcast that really comes close to this. I would go so far as to say that this is one of the top 5 podcasts I’ve listened to. Ever. That’s quite the statement I know, but I’ll stand by this. 

This show made me very uneasy in parts. Particularly series 2 ep 8 (or episode 13 if you prefer). There are some very dark topics explored in amongst the main themes, and later episodes get very emotional indeed. The poignancy of the story is really brought forward because of the lack of any other distractions.

It baffles me why so many subpar audio dramas get recommended everywhere. This one trumps almost all of the big hitters here, and you are really missing out if you don’t subscribe immediately.


I have actually managed to get in touch with the creator today (22nd March) in what can only be described as a rather cool synchronicity. As a result, I have now listened to the last 3 episodes of season 2, so thank you for that! Obviously, I’m not telling you lot anything about it, but I can’t wait to hear where this goes next.

You can get Sparks here:


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