Errr, it’s quite upbeat actually

The Downbeat review
Rating –
Another music based podcast this week. Not only music based, but drummer based, so if this makes you roll your eyes and sigh with boredom, then go back through my previous posts and find something else. Being a drummer myself, I can listen to drummers talk all day.
Craig Reynolds is a drummer that recently sprang to my attention after a YouTube post that caused a great deal of controversy. Whilst I recognised the name of his band, I don’t think I’d actually heard them. Most of his YouTube content is very funny, hilarious in fact. There’s a few videos I’ve watched many many times, not only because of his humour, but because the standard of the drummers he’s critiquing is (usually) so high.
So what’s it about?
Whereas the previously reviewed podcast Drum For The Song sticks solely to drummers, Craig branched out and interviews drummers, guitarists, singers and producers. This is more in line with a show like Chris Garza’s podcast (although I prefer this one), even more so when he inevitably interviews his own band members.
In a nutshell, this is a series by musicians, for musicians. There’s discussions on drum gear, problems with touring, problems with venues, problems with bands and problems with technique. Lots of problems and how to get past them. Don’t let this summary put you off though. The podcast itself is very light-hearted and the guests are just as entertaining as Craig.
Is it any good?
If you are even remotely interested in the workings of the music industry, then this is a must listen. Also this is essential if you are in a band and looking to progress. The industry insights and cautionary tales are invaluable, at least they have been to me.
Craig is like the drum world’s Stewart Lee. His tone of voice is strikingly similar, especially when he starts talking about people who complain. Just by way of a little digression, I think that Stewart Lee is someone who casts a very long shadow. I hear his turns of phrase all over the place nowadays. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I’d rather hear someone copying Stew than Mrs. Browns Boys.
This is easily one of the best and most entertaining music podcasts I’ve ever heard. While it’s different in style from his YouTube channel, it’s a lot less confrontational. Probably because he’s talking to people he actually likes rather than anonymous commenters on his videos. Having said that it’s still a great listen, and very bingeworthy.
Final thoughts
Now, I’m well aware that almost 100% of my limited reach on the internet will have absolutely no use for this show whatsoever. I like to think of this as something of a time capsule. One day, some young drummer will stumble across this post, go back and unearth the podcast and it will rock his world.
If I’m honest here, I’d prefer this show if it was exclusively drum related. I know I’m probably being selfish for thinking that, but I can’t help it. That’s not to take anything away from the show. It’s brilliant, and I won’t be marking it down because of that. I’m not that petty. Sorry Craig, I know you can’t please all the people all the time, and you’ll probably be reading that first sentence in your whiney complaint voice.
You can get The Downbeat here: