The bad old days

Lords Of Death review
Production company – Tenderfoot TV/Audacy
Rating –
It’s been a while since I’ve had the privilege of a release day review, but I managed to blag the first two episodes of this new show. Having companies email me directly with news of new shows is something that I love, it makes me feel all “professional”. Having said that, I usually have a few weeks to listen to the show and write my review, rather than a few days!
Hopefully, despite the tight deadline, I won’t have any noticeable drop in quality, although getting a full review out of two episodes will take some doing! But anyway, you don’t want me prattling on with all this preamble do you? Of course not. So on with the review!
So what’s it about?
Starting out with the discovery of a box of old documents and videos, the rather splendidly named Thrasher Banks is set on a harrowing trail of discovery. The video tapes contain police interviews dating back to the 1990s. One of the men being questioned is close family friend Mick.
Mick is being accused of murder, along with his friend Tim. Mick was a close friend of the family, verging on being an actual father figure to the children. Despite his dark past, he was a mild mannered and loving guy. The Banks family finally seems complete, until Mick’s old friend Tim arrives and creates a huge amount of tension in the family.
Tim is the opposite of Mick. Whereas Mick loves his new family, and really does seem to want to change, Tim is not. He is isolated and quiet. He can get very intense and is prone to outbursts of violence. Mick’s partner (and mother of Thrasher) feels conflicted. She doesn’t want to upset Mick be turning his old friend away, but she is very concerned with the safety of her family.
From that point, there is an inexorable downward spiral into violence and chaos. Events that culminate in the murder of a sex worker and the assault of a neighbour. After Mick and Tim get arrested, the question arises, just who the hell is Tim?
Is it any good?
From the beginning of episode one, you know that this is going to be a gripping true crime story. The way that the peaceful family life of the Banks family erodes at the arrival of Tim really cranks up the tension. Of course, Thrasher Banks was only a young child when these events occurred, so a lot of the story is told by his mother, Carrie.
Ordinarily, this show would have a 5 brain rating. I’ve only heard the first two episodes though, so I feel it would be somewhat disingenuous of me to do that. The first two episodes however are worth a top score here. Hopefully the rest of the series keeps up this high standard. I will of course revisit this podcast at the end and re-score it appropriately.
Final thoughts
Tenderfoot TV have yet again showed that they are a force to be reckoned with in the podcast industry. This is a riveting story that is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. I know I could have got through the whole series in one sitting.
I would like to give a special mention to Beck Media and Marketing for getting in touch with me and securing the early episodes for me. It’s much appreciated, thank you!
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