Trip down memory lane

Jools And Jim’s Joyride review
Rating –
As I prepare this post for publication (the actual day of release, as is usual). I have just returned from a family holiday in Spain. Seeing as I have a few posts ready to go, I felt that with the spirit of travel somewhat prominant in my psyche, I would share this particular podcast with you. So buckle up and lets go on a joyride with Jools and Jim.
What with all the true crime and horror shows passing through the doors at podcastgeek central recently, I thought it would be nice to go in a different direction. This one was recommended to me ages ago, and to be honest, I put off listening to it. Once I did though, I was kicking myself for not getting to it sooner.
So what’s it about?
Each week, Jools Holland and Jim Moir (better known to many as Vic Reeves) interview a different celebrity where they discuss their love of motoring and travel in general. The conversation is as winding as a country road, and takes as many tangents as someone who can’t read a roadmap (I’m old school like that ok? You can’t really go wrong with satnavs can you?). That’s enough of the travel metaphors though, because there’s more to this show than that.
Rather than just modes of transport dear to the hearts of the guests, this show delves into everything from art to food. This really is a show of reminiscences. The interior furnishings of their fathers first car is just as likely to be discussed as the cafe in Brighton where they did the best fish and chips.
With Jools and Jim both being musicians (and indeed massive music fans), when musicians are guests, there is an awful lot of talk about related subjects. Whether that be touring in different countries, or the contents of the guests father’s 8-track collection, there is plenty to entertain. This isn’t entirely music and travel based though (despite Jools and Jim’s best attempts). The guests include sportsmen and women, actors, journalists, comedians and more. Bascially anyone the hosts find interesting.
Is it any good?
I’m almost loath to describe this show as “cosy”, but I can’t really think of a better word. Whereas Bob Mortimer has his Gone Fishing TV show with Paul Whitehouse, the other half of Reeves and Mortimer has got this show. They are both similar in feel, despite the vast difference in content (And Bob Mortimer is the first guest on the show).
It’s like Top Gear for people who don’t hold management positions in call centres. There is very little talk about modern cars. This is after all, essentially a show about memories. There is also discussion on boats, trains, buses and literally any other mode of transport you can think of.
Both Jools Holland and Jim Moir have an extensive knowledge of all things transport related and they make a great team. The sponsorship adverts are also genius, and it seems like Jim writes them without telling Jools what he’s got to say beforehand. This leads to some great bursts of laughter at the nonsense.
Final thoughts
This is a thoroughly charming podcast with two stalwarts of British entertainment. You can tell that they both clearly love what they are doing, and there’s always plenty of space for humourous digressions. I think that since Jim dropped the “Vic Reeves” name, he doesn’t seem to feel the need to be outrageously weird. Nowadays he is pleasantly eccentric and only slightly surreal. Not that I wasn’t a fan of Novelty Island, The Man With A Stick, Uncle Peter, Les, or any of the oddball characters that featured on his early TV shows.
Jools on the other hand, does what he always does. He comes across as a slightly socially awkward raconteur, with an enyclopaedic knowledge of almost anything, but particularly music and art.
If you ever feel like the current news cycle is too depressing, or the constant stream of horror, true crime and music based recommendations from this nerd are too much for your sanity, then give this a go. Seriously. You’ll love it.
You can get Jools And Jim’s Joyride here: