I’ve started, so I’ll finish

Fingers On Buzzers review
Rating –
I love quizzes. Actually I LOVE QUIZZES. I will watch or listen to anything that has general knowledge questions. My favourite quiz right now is The Chase, and my favourite chaser is Jenny “The Vixen” Ryan (a statement that will no doubt make my other half roll her eyes and mutter something under her breath).
My second favourite quiz is Richard Osman’s House Of Games, and one of the all time greatest competitors on that show is comedian Lucy Porter. Imagine if you can then, a podcast about quizzes, hosted by these two incredible women. Actually, you don’t have to imagine, because Fingers On Buzzers is just that!
So what’s it about?
I have just pretty much covered the synopsis in that rather frothy opening paragraph, but I will do my best to expand further. Each episode Jenny and Lucy discuss quiz shows, discuss strategy for competing in quizzes and they interview competitors and production crew from the legendary TV quizzes of the past. This might sound boring, but it really isn’t. Unless you hate quizzes, but then if that’s the case, then you’re probably better off giving this a miss anyway.
There are reminiscences, and talk of some of the most obscure quiz shows that got greenlit by production companies (not being a university student in the 90s, a lot of these passed me by). There’s a lot that you may well remember here, or you may be like me and wonder just what the hell they are talking about.
Is it any good?
Jenny is a full time quizzer who is very funny, and Lucy is a full time funny person who is very quizzy (I know, I know). I’m not really a fan of Pointless but I noticed that Lucy has taken over Richard Osman’s role on that. Quite literally big shoes to fill.
It’s a great show, and is to quizzes what Jools And Jim’s Joyride is to travel. TV shows like Supermarket Sweep and Going For Gold remind me of banana antibiotics and bottles of lucozade rather than the actual quiz, because I only ever got to watch them if I was ill and off school.
They seem to genuinely have a great time doing this, and the quiz homework they set each other is great (whether they actually do it or not!)
Currently at 117 episodes over 7 series, this podcast is showing no signs of slowing down and that’s great. The fact that they can find new content on this rather niche subject is admirable.
Final thoughts
If you’re a smart alec, brainbox, nerd, geek or pedant then you’ll absolutely love this series. I really can’t recommend it highly enough.
I think there is an innate competitive streak in everyone, and no matter what your level of knowledge is, you can guarantee that the TV boffins have devised a show to cater for it. Even if you’re not up to the level of Only Connect (which requires a ridiculously high IQ if you ask me), then there’ll still be something for you to show off to your family. This podcast covers it all.
You can get Fingers On Buzzers here:
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